Classes are on Tuesdays at 7.30pm in St Peter’s Church Hall, The Drive, BS9 4LD.
Members pay £5, non-members £6. Pay on the door. Membership £10 per annum. First night is free and you can join at any time during term. Membership application can be found here.
Term dates 2024-25
3rd September – 17th December
7th January – 15th April
29th April – 20th May
Tuesday 19th November is President’s Night – 7.30-10pm with LIVE MUSIC from Ian Robertson, £5 supplement paid on the door.
Tuesday 21st January will include a celebration of Rabbie Burns
Tuesday 20th May will include the AGM (with wine!) as well as dancing and is free to attend.
This class is suitable for those with at least a basic knowledge of the steps and formations as well as beginners. There is no need to book but if you let us know you are coming we can make sure someone will welcome you.
If you are new to Scottish Country Dancing or want to refresh the basics, please come to our 6 week beginners course, Tuesday 10th September -15th October at The Church in Westbury Park, 4 North View, Bristol BS6 7OB, 7.30-9.30pm, £24 for the whole course. You can then join the main class with confidence! Click here for more information
Contact Tina on 07568537154 or email: or text 07803049516. Please wear flat shoes and comfy clothes. No partner needed.
Please do not attend if you have tested positive or if you have symptoms suggesting Covid. We will provide sanitizer to use throughout the class and suggest you bring your own water as no refreshments will be provided.